On Thursday, 14 August 2003 at 19:56:48 +0400, Denis wrote:
> Hi All!
> Does anybody know how can use two keyboard layouts?
> I want to change between russian and english keyboard.
> Now I do it by click in the tray menu...
> And how i can change by... ctrl+shift????

I do this in X with the following:

1.  .fvwmrc entries:

+       "German Keyboard"       Exec xmodmap xmodmap.de
+       "Australian Keyboard"   Exec xmodmap xmodmap.au

If you're using another window manager than fvwm2, you'll have to work
out how to build custom menus with it.

2.  Create xmodmap.as and xmodmap.de like this:

    a.  Set the appropriate keyboard map by whichever means you
        currently use.
    b.  Do

        xmodmap -pke > xmodmap.au

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