I'm trying to get pam_smb working on a 5.1 install.  This is a clean
install of FreeBSD.  I just using this machine for this test.

Here is what I've done so far:

1. I installed pam_smb from the ports collection.
2. Copied pam_smb.conf.example to pam_smb.conf in /usr/local/etc/
3. Edited the pam_smb.conf file the oneline looks like this:
4. Made sure I could ping pdc1 and bdc1 by name.
5. added a line to the top of my login file in the /etc/pam.d directory:
auth            required        pam_smb_auth.so
6. added a file to my /usr/local/etc/rc.d directory for auto startups.

Now at this point when the machine reboots I login as root from the
console.  I run TCPDUMP host pdc1 or host bdc1 and watch that.  I then
login to another console screen with a regular user name.  I don't see
any traffic going to either pdc or bdc box.

Any thoughts?


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