> Hi there,

Hi, thanks for the reply.

> I have a Logitech trackman marble + (two buttons and a third that is 
> also the wheel) and I just left-drag then middle button (the wheel) 
> click. You might have the same thing if you have a wheel on 
> yours if not 
> then you should be able to press both buttons (left & right) 
> if you are 
> using 3rd button emulation and that should do it for you.

I bet I'm going to run into trouble on this, I have a Belkin KVM that I
use to switch between 3 computers on my desk.
I've had mouse issues with it in the past, i.e. if I configure it for a
scroll mouse in a Linux gui, then switch to Windows, the mouse pointer
jumps all over the screen, completely unusable.

I just tried setting it up again in sysinstall, and it's jumping
everywhere and corrupting the display, I have to ^C to recover control
of console before I can get out of mouse configuration.

Too bad, I have no issues with mousing on my Redhat 9 box, or my XP box,
is there any way to copy and paste w/o mouse in console?

Any way to trick mouse config in sysinstall?  It seems like the only
PS/2 options are the defaults. 

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