
I'm a newbie to FreeBSD, and am trying to set it up to
dual boot from a Primary Slave hard drive on an HP
Pavilion 716n.  Having nothing but troubles.

I've done the Google searches, and I've spent as much
time as I can afford scouring the help sites, but
can't find any answers.  If this is not the right
forum for this question, please let me know where I
can find some help.

My Primary Master is Windows XP (on a Seagate, 80GB),
I'm trying to set up the Primary Slave as FreeBSD 4.8
Release (on a Maxtor Diamondmax Plus 8, 30GB).

When I go through the boot sequence for FreeBSD, it
gets stuck at:

 ad1: READ command timeout tag=0 serv=0 - resetting
 ad0: resetting devices ..

Just hangs there indefinitely.

I found one solution through a Google search that
suggested disabling the DMA in the BIOS.  However, on
the HP Pavilion, I can't do that -- it won't allow me
to disable the DMA in the BIOS.

What can I do?  This is a fairly urgent issue, and I'm
out of ideas.  Please help.  Thanks in advance!

(I posted the message above (wrongly) to the Newbies
list, and it was suggested that I simply install 5.1. 
However, my developer chose FreeBSD 4.8 for a business
sytem he created for it which we're attempting to
replicate on a different system -- I'm not sure if I
can use 5.1, since it's a new release and may not be
compatible (I'm checking to see).  

So... if it's suggested that I NOT use 5.1, are there
any suggestions for version 4.8?  Thanks in advance!)


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