I was given a little 486 laptop.  I bought a Microsoft MN-520 PCMCIA wlan
card and verified that it works perfectly under Linux on that laptop.  I'm
trying to replace Linux with FreeBSD on that machine, but I can't get
sysinstall to recognize the NIC.  To date, I've gone as far as patching the
pccarddevs files to add device IDs for the card, and using that patch to
compile my own custom release and boot floppies with the new-and-improved

None of this has worked.

During the boot process, I'm asked if I want to use the PCMCIA card as
installation media.  I say yes and enter the memory ranges and IRQs that
Linux had detected for the card.  sysinstall continues to the main menu, and
I launch a holographic shell.  At this point, should the"wi0" network
interface be visible?  For me, it's not.  Do I have to run something else,
or is this an indication that the system still isn't recognizing the card?

Any wild theories would be appreciated.  I really want to make this little
laptop work, but I've spent way too much time on it already and have run out
of ideas.

Kirk Strauser

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