
I don't really think you tip had effect, but thx anyway.
The weird thing is that when I change the configuration to wich networks it may 
connect, include soulseek end fasttrack, these server our found almost directly. But 
it is so that my servers.ini list contains about 6700 donkey servers, and they can't 
al be down.... or is the list just to big to be useful. I don't really have an idee 
for the moment... Anbody got any idees?? 

thx and still hoping for a reply

Its late and now I'm going to sleep...

 Rod Person <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>On Mon 18 Aug 2003 00:01:44 +0200
>"kristof"  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm trying to get mldonkey working but I don't really know what I'm
>> doing wrong. Fisrt I got the error of no servers in servers.ini but
>> was able to solve this by copying the servers.ini in the ../distrib
>> dir over the other ones. now I can see a list of all the servers in
>> the browsers but I don't seem to be able to connect to them. In the
>> following you can see my start up messages, and as you can see there
>> is an error in it...could it because of this error things go wrong and
>> how do I solve it?
>> Also when I run the command mlgui, wich should start the gui version
>> of mldonkey (if not I'm way off target then) it just does the same as
>> the command mlnet and doesn't start the gui.
>I don't know if this is much help, but try switching to port 6348 or
>6346. I used mldonkey for awhile but found it slow. I switched to xmule
>and gtk-gnutella. gtk-gnutell is faster than xmule and mldonkey.
>Otherwise the servers may just be down....
>@ Home So No Cool Signature
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