On Mon, 1 Sep 2003 23:45, Michael Alestock wrote:
> I had a question....
> I have 4 filesystems that I want to dump(8) to my SCSI Tape backup drive
> (Travan 4GB uncompressed).  The filesystems are, "/", "/usr", "/var", and
> "/usr/home."  All four filesystems equal about 2.5Gigs of data.
> I dumped the first filesystem "/" by executing, "dump -0uf /dev/sa0 / "
> ....then executed, "mt -f /dev/sa0 eom" to move the tape to the end of the

Not sure that this is good; especially if it is not a new tape.
# mt -f  /dev/nsa0 fsf 1

Or write dumps to /dev/nsa0 which leaves the tape positioned for next file.

> backup (to append to the tape), then dumped the second filesystem (/usr)
> using,"dump -0uf /dev/sa0 /usr".  Then once again I executed, "mt -f
> /dev/sa0" to move the tape to the end (to append to it).
> When I go to execute, "restore -if /dev/sa0" to confirm that both
> filesystems were saved so far, there's only ONE filesystem saved to the
> tape "/".  I can't 'cd' to /var because it's not on the tape.  What am I
> doing wrong???  I know I still have plenty of tape left to save other
> filesystems, but it's not dumping anything after the first filesystem.

When invoked restore will only look at one dump.
You need to move past the first dump file before invoking restore 
on say /usr.
If your end-of-file marks are correctly written you should be able to do this
# mt -f  /dev/nsa0 fsf 1

Now invoke restore -if /dev/sa0  -- should find /usr


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