I know I've seen multiple howto's and mails describing how to do this
in the past, but the heck if I can Google one or pull one out of the
archives at the moment.

I have Win2k at one end and FreeBSD/racoon on the other. The Win2k
systems aquire addresses by DHCP. I've seen documents describing how
to do,

  Win2k ---- { Internet } ---- FreeBSD/racoon ---- { Private Net }
              VPN tunnel

But like I said, I'm coming up dry. I've got certs set up, and racoon
will do cert (rsasig) authentication with other racoon peers. I need
help with the Win2k end.

I should mention that I'm kind of trying to do the reverse. I really
am doing,
                                   { Private Net }
  Win2k ---------- { Wireless }           |
  FreeBSD/racoon - {    LAN   } -- FreeBSD/racoon -- { Internet }
                             VPN tunnel

I am trying to secure my wireless LAN by doing IPsec since WEP is
hopelessly broken (and since I can't figure out how to get Win2k and
FreeBSD to use the same keys).

The FreeBSD/racoon to FreeBSD/racoon is up and I must say, is reaaaaly
cool. Now if I could get the Win2k running over IPsec, it would be
great. Where'd those howto's get to? Anyone got something like this
Crist J. Clark                     |     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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