On Wed, 3 Sep 2003 13:33, Seamus Abshere wrote:
> /boot/kernel is full of .ko files for kernel options that I did not
> select. Why are they there? Are they in use?
> [/boot/kernel]#ls -l kernel
> -r-xr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  2317346 Jul  2 16:11 kernel
> I'm proud of this (supposedly) 2.3MB kernel, and I want to
> make sure that I have actually optimized my machine and not made a
> stupid mistake that does the opposite.

I don't really want to sound cynical ;)
But; how much memory do you have? Your kernel is about 2Mb smaller 
than the one I'm using but the difference represents about 0.4% of my total
memory which I suspect is almost always incompletely used.

Could I ever see eany effective difference with an "optimised kernel"?

And of course if I ever add anything I'd have to remember to take the 
time to recompile -- and as I get older remembering is not so easy!

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