On Wednesday 03 September 2003 10:51 pm, Marc Wiz wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 03, 2003 at 03:52:31PM -0600, KroNiC~BSD wrote:
> > I would like to use my freebsd and windows desktops remotly. I tried
> > TightVNC but found it too slow for me, even on a 10mbps lan with all the
> > tricks etc.. such as compression. I would think it would be unusable over
> > a modem. I found Rdesktop and it does work nice to talk to my XP machine
> > but the image is only 8-bit and would be better at say 24-bit. Is MS
> > remote desktop encrypted, i have not even checked it yet ,,if not maybe
> > their is a way to do rdesktop over ssh to the windows machine. Is there
> > other good solutions such as VNC but faster?
> > 
> > 
> Take a look at the man page for lbxproxy.  This will help conserve
> bandwidth.
> > Now, whats the best "Open Src" way to have a remote NIX* X-server
> > session.  I would like to use my freebsd desktop when i am traveling to
> > check email, surf the web and maybe use myplayer to watch a movie or play
> > a MP3.  I was thinking of using the X protocol but heard it was too slow
> > and very bandwidth hundry. Is the latter correct?  I would also like to
> > not only view my Freebsd computer from another nix* machine but also from
> > a windows box, is there a windows X client?  
I use my computer as my own application server, using it with remote X 
sessions with a compression level of 5 over ssh yields a good performance to 
bandwidth ratio.  Mail, IM, some light video editing with avidemux, office 
suite, and not bad to use a web browser either if you've got broadband on 
both ends.  There is cygwin which will allow you to use X in windows, or 
eXceed(non-free, but nice)
For MP3's just setup an icecast server on your freebsd system, and connect to 
it with xmms or something.  It's pretty easy to setup.
> I don't profess to be an expert in these matters but I would be very
> impressed to see someone do remote X to watch a movie over.
I can watch my tv card over the network, it uses about 4MB/s on a 100Mb 
switched netowrk, but it works.  If you don't have a lot of bandwidth you can 
get 1 or 2 frames per sec, which will still allow you to keep track of game( 
That's how I watched the superbowl while in the CS labs :( ).
> There is WierdX which is Java based.  I believe that should satisfy the 
> open source requirement.
> Marc
> -- 
> Marc Wiz
> Yes, that really is my last name.
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Anish Mistry

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