On Tue, Sep 09, 2003 at 10:00:34AM -0400, Jesse Sheidlower wrote:

> I suppose this is a really stupid question, but what do I 
> need to do to get the newer, Ports version of XFree86 to be
> the version run on the system? And is there anything I should
> be doing to get it configured properly after the change is
> made?

It's possible that the start script for XFree86 that the port installs,
is installed in a directory further down in the PATH variable. This
means that when you call startx, you're starting the older version, which
in turn calls the older version of X. 

Your best bet is to remove the port entirely, remove the existing X
server and re-install the port. This way you'll only have one version of
X on the box. 

The other way would be to get a list of all files that the port
installed and remove any other copies of those files in locations other
than where the port installed. This is risky though, because you might
delete something that is actually needed.


Wayne Pascoe
'tis far easier to get forgiveness than it is to
get permission - probably someone famous,
but more often, my Dad.
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