On Fri, Sep 12, 2003 at 06:52:13PM -0400, Chris Shenton wrote:
> I have an old digital camera which has a 64MB CF card in it. A friend
> loaned me a USB card reader to extract the images.  I don't seem to be
> able to mount it on FreeBSD-4.7-STABLE per the umass man page.
> After plugging in the card and USB reader, dmesg shows:
>   umass0: PQI Travel Flash, rev 1.10/2.05, addr 2
>   da1 at umass-sim0 bus 0 target 0 lun 0
>   da1: <General Flash Disk Drive 2.05> Removable Direct Access SCSI-2 device 
>   da1: 650KB/s transfers
>   da1: 62MB (126976 512 byte sectors: 64H 32S/T 62C)

Looks good.

> The man page says:
>            camcontrol rescan 0
>      Rescan a Zip drive that was added after boot.  The command above assumes
>      that the Zip drive is the first SCSI bus in the system.
>            disklabel -w -r da0 zip100
>            newfs da0c
>            mount -t ufs /dev/da0c /mnt
> I do the camcontrol and it appears to see it:
>   thanatos# camcontrol rescan 0
>   Re-scan of bus 0 was successful
>   thanatos# camcontrol devlist -v
>   scbus0 on ahc0 bus 0:
>   <SEAGATE ST19171W 0024>            at scbus0 target 0 lun 0 (pass0,da0)
>   <  >                               at scbus0 target -1 lun -1 ()
>   scbus1 on umass-sim0 bus 0:
>   <General Flash Disk Drive 2.05>    at scbus1 target 0 lun 0 (da1,pass1)
>   scbus-1 on xpt0 bus 0:
>   <  >                               at scbus-1 target -1 lun -1 (xpt0)

Not need to do this as the device is already working.

> I skip the disklabel and newfs since I've got photos on it already.
> Attempts to mount fail:
>   thanatos# mount -t ufs /dev/da1c /mnt
>   mount: /dev/da1c on /mnt: incorrect super block
>   thanatos# mount -t msdos /dev/da1c /mnt
>   msdos: /dev/da1c: Invalid argument
> Any clues? Thanks.

A photo disk is most likely not ufs - it's msdosfs.
msdosfs is not is normaly not used on the whole device (exeptions are
floppies), so you want using the correct slice.
E.g. mount -t msdos /dev/da1s1 /mnt

B.Walter                   BWCT                http://www.bwct.de
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