On Sun, Sep 14, 2003 at 02:24:41AM +0100, Daniel Bye wrote:
> On Sat, Sep 13, 2003 at 06:43:24PM -0400, Bob Hall wrote:
> > On Sat, Sep 13, 2003 at 06:22:29PM -0400, Todd Stephens wrote:
> > > Probably a no-brainer, but how can I make my xterm start as xterm-color?  
> > > If I want color ls, I have to type TERM=xterm-color from the command 
> > > line every time I start a new terminal window.  What file do I need to 
> > > edit to make X start with xterm-color?
> > 
> > ~/.Xdefaults
> > ---------------
> > xterm*background: green
> > xterm*foreground: yellow
> > xterm*highlightColor: purple
> > 
> > I don't necessarily endorse those color choices.
> But those colours are so beautiful in combination...  ;-)
> Set
> XTerm*termName: xterm-color
> as well, if you want to be certain that anything that cares about ${TERM}
> gets an appropriate value.
> Dan

alternatively, you could just launch xterm like:

$ xterm -tn xterm-color

it appears that you are using 4.8-RELEASE, but apparently sometime
around Aug 27, 2002 xterm's termcap entry supports color by default.
per /usr/src/UPDATING:

        Our /etc/termcap now has all the entries from the XFree86 xterm
        almost unchanged. This means xterm now supports color by default.
        If you used TERM=xterm-color in the past you now should use
        TERM=xterm. (xterm-color will lead to benign warnings).

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