Define what you mean by web scripts...

If you are referring to a scripting language.. including php, perl, python, or even ASP/VBScript then either platform would work (although you couldn't test ASP in freebsd natively)

If you mean compiled stuff like java, you are also ok. Now platform specific stuff might not be so friendly.. like say a C cgi, .NET code, etc. Matching the type of server its going to run on would be good here. (or close) Technically though you could write the source on any platform and upload it.

On Wednesday, September 17, 2003, at 10:35 AM, Denis wrote:

Hi All!!!

How do you think what more comfortable and better WinXP or FreeBSD for
writting web-scripts???
Do you use KDE or GNOME or others?????
In GNOME i have very fast keyboard. I put (for example) key 'A' and
in 1 secong i get:
Very fast it's cool! But KDE can't to do it. In KDE I have very slow
keyboard... it's very bad:((( How I can to do more keyboard-speed???
I'd like use KDE!

Best regards, Denis

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