On Sun, 21 Sep 2003 12:55:20 +0000
Daniela <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Can anyone recommend a good mail reader that can fetch mail as a daemon, 
> stores mail in a format readable by KMail or Evolution, and has a console
> interface (I don't run X often)? It should also be somehow able to put the
> mail in different folders based on the value of some headers.

Have you looked at fetchmail?  http://catb.org/~esr/fetchmail/

fetchmail can fetch from designated accounts and forward to your local
mail server.   The way I'm set up, fetchmail fetches from various POP 
and IMAP accounts, forwarding everything to sendmail.   At that point
you can use sendmail's anti-spam (or that of the MTA in use), and plug 
in anti-virus software on the server.  Clam is the anti-virus software
I personally want to look into (haven't yet):  http://clamav.elektrapro.com/

On my own mail server, I set up an IMAP server for my clients using Cyrus: 
http://www.jtan.com/doc/imapd/.   fetchmail forwards to sendmail; sendmail
is configured to hand messages over to Cyrus.

Steve Sapovits  [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
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