On Mon, 22 Sep 2003, Brent Bailey wrote:
> I was looking aroung trying to find a decent howto on CVSUP...seeing as
> ive never had good luck with it .. i found this ...does this look like the
> right procedure ??
> this is what ive been doing ...but ive only had it actually work one time
> ..all  other systems ive done this on,,,it has failed BADLY
> hence cant do "ps" or "w" or other needed commands

How far do you plan to update these machines?  Given your past experiences
with cvsup/mergemaster, if you're planning a major upgrade (from 4.6 to
5.x or even STABLE), are you sure you wouldn't be better off

> *default release=cvs tag=RELENG_4
this will get you the head of the FreeBSD-STABLE branch - if you just want
to get all the security updates to 4.6, you should use RELENG_4_6

David Fleck

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