I've just install a 4.8 box on my lan
But I can't access that box outside my network(a.b.c.0)
From that box, I'am able to ping the gateway but I cannot access the internet

my rc.conf :
ifocnfig_xl0="inet a.b.c.4 netmask"

But when I check netstat -rn
I don't have any default gateway
netstat -rn | grep default
return empty.

ping a.b.c.1 is alright
but ping www.freebsd.org return ping: sendto: No route to host

I have compiled my kernel with IPFIREWALL
but my firewall type is OPEN so i'am not suppose to block anything.

when I type route get default I get: route: writing to routing socket: No such process

If anyone has an idea

Best regards

anfaf at jonctioninter.net

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