On Thursday, 25 September 2003 at 15:03:05 -0700, Frank Jahnke wrote:
> I have an old 9 track tape that, as luck would have it, contains a
> substantial amount of code that is now of interest to me.  Does anyone
> have a recommendation for someone who might either to transfer it to a
> CD, or to make it available by ftp?  The file contents are all in tar
> format, written from a Sun cluster under SunOS in the Sun 3 era
> (remember those days?)

The biggest problem is to find a tape unit which can read the files.
Do you have one?  If so, what's it like?

Given the capacity of such tapes, your best bet is probably to read in
the entire tape to disk with dd, and then play around with it.  If
it's tar, you should be able to read it directly.

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