On Sun, 2003-09-28 at 01:01, Todd Stephens wrote:

> When you say foomatic-rip from ports, is this the foomatic-db port?  I 
> cannot find a port for foomatic-rip (which I thought was just a Perl 
> script anyway).  I eventually gave up on foomatic with my Epson C82 and 
> used the "straight" Epson C82 driver from the gimp-print collection.

Whoops.. my bad. 

This was actually installed with patches to hpijs from this PR:

I wonder why it wasn't committed since July.

You need to install the foomatic-db port..

But you can download foomatic-rip from www.linuxprinting.org and yes it
is just a perl script to configure options to control printer driver
options and filters.

For Epson printers.. gimp-print already gives you the best results and
it's already configured automatically by the port install of gimp-print
if you already have cups.

For hpijs though, it isn't.

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