Hi all. Just curious of something. I'm probably doing something wrong and totally not paying attention, but for some reason when I run mkisofs, all my files get truncated at 12 charecters and some weird 001 is appended to the rest of the name. I use the following command when building an iso file for burning: mkisofs -R -U -o mycd.iso /path.to.files/to.be.burned/

I'm obviously missing something because I've gotten files with names up to 128 charecters long to be included in an iso when burning them in windows, but not in freebsd using mkisofs. I've also been able to make the disk name 16 charecters long in windows but only 12 with mkisofs. Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong with the options on mkisofs and help me fix it? Like I said, I've read the man file and I thought I had it all correct, but apparently that's not true. Much apreciated on the help. Thanks.

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