On Mon, Sep 29, 2003 at 09:39:57AM -0500, Andrew L. Gould wrote:
> On Monday 29 September 2003 09:23 am, Darryl Hoar wrote:

> > 2. How do I totally get sendmail shutdown ?
> In /etc/rc.conf, try sendmail_enable="NO".

Uh, for *total* elimination of sendmail under 4.x it's:


as the OP first thought.  This prevents any sendmail(8) daemon
processes from being started up, but you'll still see error messages
about trying to find the fully qualified name of the machine if
anything tries to send any e-mail, which generally involves firing up
sendmail.  With sendmail_enable="NONE", the e-mail won't get properly
delivered, but will just pile up in /var/spool/mqueue until you run
'sendmail -q' to flush the queue.

Nb. In the default "out of box" configuration of FreeBSD you're going
to get at least two messages every night from the periodic(8) script
run, which you can suppress by adjusting things in /etc/periodic.conf
-- see periodic.conf(5) for details.  There's probably other things
that will generate e-mails too, but you'll just have to track down and
eliminate those individually if you truely want a machine without any
e-mail activity at all.  You can also set NO_SENDMAIL="yes" in
/etc/make.conf to avoid even building sendmail when you update the
system, although this won't actually get rid of the sendmail stuff
that's already installed.



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.                       26 The Paddocks
                                                      Savill Way
PGP: http://www.infracaninophile.co.uk/pgpkey         Marlow
Tel: +44 1628 476614                                  Bucks., SL7 1TH UK

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