> On Tuesday 30 September 2003 12:45 am, Dr.Smoke wrote:
> > Is there a comprehensive list of error codes for FreeBSD?  I can find
> > nothing related to this in the Handbook or other online
> > documentation.
> >
> If you are looking for the signal codes, they are in
> /usr/include/sys/signal.h
> I don't know of any other error codes.

Probably a comprehensive list does not exist.
The original poster may be fondly remembering a time with some
big systems with proprietary OSen that published large directories
of all error messages and codes, not only from the kernel, but from
most of the vendor supplied utilities.   It was very useful if you
were doing development.   It would be useful in the FreeBSD world too, 
but I can't imagine the monumental task of assembling and maintaining 
such a list from all the OS and standard utilities, let alone including 
the ports.   Of course, if you are ambitious and have some time
on your hands...


> Kent
> -- 
> Kent Stewart
> Richland, WA
> http://users.owt.com/kstewart/index.html
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