Le Ven  3 oct 03 à  0:31:43 +0200, Eric F Crist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 écrivait :
> and I get a KDE login screen after a few breif seconds.  Now, how do I 
> implement this so that kdm initalizes at boot so my gf can use my FreeBSD 
> system without having to type what is, in her words, some "arcane fucking 
> command from the old world of DOS."  I'm working on getting her to come to 
> the enlightened side, but all she reallys cares to do is surf joke web pages 
> and check her friggin' Hotmail account.

Edit the file /etc/ttys and put a line like this one:

ttyv8   "/usr/local/bin/kdm -nodaemon"  xterm   on  secure

Th. Thomas.

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