On Sun, Oct 05, 2003 at 03:23:07PM -0400, Joe Marcus Clarke wrote:
> On Sun, 2003-10-05 at 15:16, stan wrote:
> > I've got a machine that I just cvsup'd and did a portupgrade. A while back,
> > in an effort to get Gnome 2 workign, I had dleted all the Gnome 1 related
> > stuff, and eveyrthign that dpeneded on it.
> > 
> > Aparently while doing this I deleted the sane-frontends port. I started to
> > build it today, but I noticed it deends on gtl 1.2. Is it safe to isntall
> > this on a machine running Gnone 2?
> Yes.

So, the next time (probably next weekend) I do a portupgrade, it won't be
confsed by the presence of the old libraries?

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neither liberty nor safety."
                                                -- Benjamin Franklin
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