Wes Zuber wrote:

What about the

/tmp/conf/default/etc/fstab ?


Initially I didn't have anything, not even that directory created. I've created and removed the /conf directory many times and must've confused /conf/base with /conf/default. Re-reading diskless(8) I see that that is indeed where that file is supposed to be (thanks).

I went ahead and copied [/tmp]/etc to [/tmp]/conf/default/etc and still the same result. One thing that's been puzzling me that I haven't seen in the archives is the message "missing device name".

>> Mounting root from nfs:
>> missing device name       <------
>> setrootbyname failed

I've enabled debugging in rc.diskless1 and haven't seen the results of that so I assume that control hasn't been passed on to rc.diskless1. Should I call rc.diskless1 explicitly in rc.conf?

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