
I'm making plans to upgrade from 4.7 RELEASE to 4.8 RELEASE. My previous attempt was a binary upgrade from 4.5 to 4.7 which did not go very well. I eventually purchased the 4.7 CD.

The FreeBSD Handbook stresses backing up the system and implies that /dump/ is a better backup program. Chapter of the handbook recommends having a copy of the boot and fixit floppies available and making sure they have all your devices, otherwise you'll need to prepare two bootable custom floppies that contain /fdisk, disklabel, newfs, mount, /and your backup program. It goes on to say that these programs must be statically linked. I understand hard and soft links but I'm not familiar with static links. The handbook also provides a script for creatinng a bootable floppy.

Can someone help me understand static link? Secondly, can I assume that the script must be reviewed for likely modifications? I'm just learning shell programming and if significant modifications are necessary, I may end up purchasing a CD for 4.8.

Any suggestions relative to the upgrade process is also appreciated.


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