You should be able to mount it as you would a usb hard drive, these are 
reffered to as USB mass storage. This is what I get when I connect my 
panasonic digicam

da0: <MATSHITA DMC-LC20 > Removable Direct Access SCSI-2 device 
da0: 1.000MB/s transfers
da0: 29MB (60801 512 byte sectors: 64H 32S/T 29C)
(da0:umass-sim0:0:0:0): READ(6)/WRITE(6) not supported, increasing 
minimum_cmd_size to 10.

now if I look at my /dev directory I can see


 Of course theres a lot more in my /dev/ directory but this is the only part 
thatt is relevant.
I do this logged in as root, however it should be possible to do this whilst 
logged in as user by putting an entry in /etc/fstab

# mount -t msdos /dev/da0s1 /mnt
# cd /mnt
# ls
DCIM            P1010685.JPG    P1010694.JPG    P1010703.JPG    P1010712.JPG
MISC            P1010686.JPG    P1010695.JPG    P1010704.JPG    P1010713.JPG
P1010678.JPG    P1010687.JPG    P1010696.JPG    P1010705.JPG    P1010714.JPG
P1010679.JPG    P1010688.JPG    P1010697.JPG    P1010706.JPG    P1010715.JPG
P1010680.JPG    P1010689.JPG    P1010698.JPG    P1010707.JPG    P1010716.JPG
P1010681.JPG    P1010690.JPG    P1010699.JPG    P1010708.JPG    P1010717.JPG
P1010682.JPG    P1010691.JPG    P1010700.JPG    P1010709.JPG    P1010718.JPG
P1010683.JPG    P1010692.JPG    P1010701.JPG    P1010710.JPG    ignore_my_docs
P1010684.JPG    P1010693.JPG    P1010702.JPG    P1010711.JPG


There you go, that is my digital camera sd card contents

After looking in

it appears that your digital camera also uses the USB mass storage protocal, 
Therefore your procedure shouild be very similar to mine.

Hope this helps

David L

> I plugged my digicam HP Photosmart 618 into my FreeBSD-4 and it was
> recognised immediately. Great. It's on /dev/ugen0
> But how can I access the camera- or rather the pictures on it?

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