On Oct 22, 2003, at 5:26 PM, Ryan Sandridge wrote:

On Oct 22, 2003, at 4:00 PM, Dave McCammon wrote:

Where is the file of your first backup stored?
Did it get backed up as part of the incremental

I should have mentioned that I had checked that already, because that would almost explain the unaccounted for 507 MB... but unless I'm missing something, that is not the problem. The backups were made onto /tmp filesystem, which were then archived to cd-rom, and deleted from /tmp. Ah, might be onto something though... I made an .iso file containing the dumps, which was copied to my home directory before burning to cd. That .iso file sat there until today, but was deleted before I did today's dump. So, I suppose it is possible that the filesystem wasn't flushed (is that what its called?), so the file was still there. I presume, however, this would be a bug with dump, as that .iso file is NOT in the archive.

Do you think this is what happened?


Well, as a newbie, it only took me about 10 hours to figure out on my own that I needed to run fsck. It showed me that I had an unreferenced file hiding on my disk; however fsck never seemed to work as documented. I couldn't ever run it with 'fsck -p', I always received (and still do receive):

/dev/ad0s1g: NO WRITE ACCESS

and when I ran it with just 'fsck', it would always answer "no" to the prompts to fix the problems without giving me an opportunity to fix it. No I didn't use the -n flag to force no responses, and I am aware of the -y flag, but the documentation warns against doing this. Finally I threw my hands up, and rebooted, which seemed to clear up the unreferenced file.


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