Here is the classical way to do a recursive grep.

For csh/tcsh, define the alias

alias rgrep 'find . -type f -print | xargs egrep -i \!* /dev/null'

For bash/zsh, define the shell function

rgrep() { find . -type f -print | xargs egrep -i $1 /dev/null}

There are several variations of these that will work. But these are both fast and portable, and should work on virtually any flavor of unix.

Richard Coleman

jason dictos wrote:

Hi All,

I've always used grep text /*/*/* to recursivly search directories for files with the specified text string in them, however this method doesn't always work very well (sometimes it bails out halfway through with error "Argument list too long").

Is there a more effective way to search the contents of files?

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