On Tue, 28 Oct 2003 12:53:03 -0500 Brandon Lodriguss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Anthony,

Hi Brandon.  I'm following up to my post to freebsd-questions with your

> I was searching the net for some help with a problem it appears you've
> had before (saw an email of yours on the freebsd-questions mailing
> list)...A bunch of Samba error messages that say "can't connect to
> service _____".  I'm not having much luck, I have 4 samba fileservers
> running, all configured virtually identically except for different
> share names...Two of which are having this problem, and two of which
> aren't.

Define "configured virutally identically."  In what ways do they differ,
exactly?  Assuming they're all FreeBSD boxen, were they each built from
the same source tree?

> Did you ever have any success in finding out why this was happening?
> Any pointers in the right direction would be much appreciated.

I received no response from freebsd-questions, so I posted to the samba
mailing list (http://lists.samba.org/pipermail/samba/), but received no
response from that list, either.  I have been ignoring the problem
(well, that's not entirely accurate---I purchased a Powerbook to replace
my dying Win2k notebook) since I posted, but AFAIK, it hasn't been

Based on the description of your configuration, you probably have the
better chance of determining root cause.  I currently have many other
priorities, so I will be unable to look into this any deeper until
further notice.

One possible solution would be to upgrade to 3.0.0 (net/samba-devel).  I
have yet to do so myself, but I'm hoping that by doing so, cosmic rays
will shine down from the distribution servers and send the issue
hurtling off to /dev/null, at least for the time being. :-)

Best of luck!

Anthony Chavez                             http://www.anthonychavez.org/
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]                jabber:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

On Wed, 27 Aug 2003 10:25:23 -0600 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Fellow Samba- and FreeBSD-lovers:
> I'm encountering a very peculiar error.  I first encountered it when
> doing an upgrade to Samba 2.2.8a (from a fairly recent version---I don't
> recally exactly which, but it couldn't have been older than 2.2.7) on
> FreeBSD 4.8-STABLE.
> The error I'm encountering is twofold.  In the first example, I try to
> connect to the "shared" service, which results in the following:
> [2003/08/26 18:21:17, 0] smbd/service.c:make_connection(252)
>   aphrodite ( couldn't find service share
> Second, when trying to connect to service acc I get:
> [2003/08/18 13:36:22, 0] smbd/service.c:make_connection(252)
>   aphrodite ( couldn't find service accproject.ede
> [2003/08/18 13:36:22, 0] smbd/service.c:make_connection(252)
>   aphrodite ( couldn't find service accmakefile.am
> The former example doesn't seem to phase Win2k SP4 at all, but certain
> apps (such as Emacs 21.3.1) freeze up when the latter is encountered.
> However, when I try to access the acc service again, it works fine
> (i.e., it alternates from functional to non-functional, ad nauseum).
> I've tried rebuilding a couple of times, which doesn't fix the problem
> at all.  The make variables (which should be obvious to any FreeBSD user
> experienced with portupgrade and fairly straightforward to everyone
> else) I pass to the build process are:
> I would very much appreciate any insight that you could lend.  This is
> only a slight nuisance, but one that is starting become slightly more
> irritating as time goes on.  I've included my (very minimal) smb.conf
> below.  Thanks!
> -- 
> Anthony Chavez                             http://www.anthonychavez.org/
> mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]         jabber:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> # Samba config file created using SWAT
> # from aphrodite.anthonychavez.org (
> # Date: 2003/07/17 02:56:37
> # Global parameters
> [global]
>       workgroup = ATHENS
>       server string = Samba %v
>       interfaces = rl0
>       bind interfaces only = Yes
>       encrypt passwords = Yes
>       passwd chat = *password* %n\n *password* %n\n *done*
>       username map = /usr/local/etc/smb.usermap
>       unix password sync = Yes
>       log level = 1
>       log file = /var/log/samba.%m
>       max log size = 50
>       socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192 IPTOS_THROUGHPUT
>       load printers = No
>       domain admin group = @staff
>       add user script = /root/bin/addmachine.pl %u
>       delete user script = /root/bin/rmmachine.pl %u
>       logon path = \\%N\profiles\%u
>       domain logons = Yes
>       os level = 65
>       preferred master = Yes
>       domain master = Yes
>       hosts allow = 192.168.1. 127.
> [netlogon]
>       path = /usr/local/samba/netlogon
>       write list = root
>       browseable = No
> [profiles]
>       path = /usr/local/samba/profiles
>       read only = No
>       create mask = 0600
>       directory mask = 0700
>       browseable = No
> [homes]
>       comment = Home Directory
>       valid users = %S
>       read only = No
>       hide dot files = No
>       browseable = No
> [acc]
>       comment = Home Directory
>       path = /usr/home/acc
>       valid users = root acc
>       force user = acc
>       force group = acc
>       read only = No
> [tlc]
>       comment = Home Directory
>       path = /usr/home/tlc
>       valid users = root tlc
>       force user = tlc
>       force group = tlc
>       read only = No
> [archive]
>       path = /usr/local/samba/arc
>       force user = samba
>       read only = No
>       force create mode = 0600
>       force directory mode = 0700
> [multimedia]
>       path = /usr/local/samba/mm
>       force user = samba
>       read only = No
>       force create mode = 0600
>       force directory mode = 0700
> [roms]
>       path = /usr/local/samba/roms
>       force user = samba
>       read only = No
>       force create mode = 0600
>       force directory mode = 0700
> [shared]
>       path = /usr/local/samba/shared
>       read only = No
>       force create mode = 0600
>       force directory mode = 0700

Anthony Chavez                             http://www.anthonychavez.org/
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]                jabber:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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