On Tue, 28 Oct 2003 04:38 pm, Gustavo Moreira wrote:
> Hello!  I do not obtain to install FreeBSD 5,1 in my system.  I follow the
> procedure of sysinstall, however, the following message occurs:
> "error mouting/dev/acd0 on/dist:  in such file or directory."
> Valley to detach that this error occurs with any type of device of data
> already I tried with CD, HD and floppy.  It forgives for the very bad
> english.  Necessary of aid.  Very obliged!

I had the exact same problem, from my experience, if you boot and install 
directly from the CD it will work. If you boot and install off the floppies, 
you get the error you mentined.

The only way around this (if your computer wont boot directly off the 5.1 ISO) 
is to  use the 'ftp' installation option, because it doesnt need to mount on 

I networked two computers and ftp'd between them, otherwise you could get a 
net connection and ftp it that way.

Out of curiosity, did you create your boot disks from the images on the CD or 
drectly from the freebsd site (I have only had this problem with the disk 
images off the cd)

 - jacob

JacobRhoden -- http://rhoden.id.au/
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