
I have a printer configured in the BSD, is working fine, now
I need to enable that other systems print in this printer,
to do this I add 2 lines to the file /etc/hosts.lpd

but the remote system can't print, so I run lpd with -c flag
to enable all the connections error via syslog.

In the file /var/log/lpd-errs I have this message repeated

Oct 28 20:25:11 bsdsis lpd[10575]: Host name for remote host
( not known (8)

why doesn't print, if the ip is in the file hosts.lpd?

If I run the command "host", it return me 3
names and one of them is "as_nte.intranet.telmex.com"

Also, I like to enable the printers (all) in this server
to be accessible to any one in the net 10.


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