Hi Robin and Director:

The situation is, I have 3 servers, now sun, but planning to
change them to FreeBSD, so right now I have a program in FoxPro
to administer the database of diskless, with this program I
generate the bootptab and download periodically to the servers
in case of somebody modify the file in one of the servers and
don't notify me (I am not the only administrator).

The program in FoxPro and the ftp is run in a windows, so I
can't use sftp, nfs, etc..

So I am going to use another user member of wheel and "chmod 664 bootptab".


By the way, since this file doesn't exist I "cp crontab bootptab" so the
file belongs to root:wheel, can I chenge the groop to other created by me?


On Tue, 28 Oct 2003 17:58:47 -0700, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi:
> I need to transmit some files to the BSD server, one of this files
> is the /etc/bootptab, which belongs to root, so I need root access
> How can I enable ftpd to permit the user root?
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