On Wed, 2003-11-05 at 22:25, silent slim wrote:
> >From: Alex de Kruijff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >To: silent slim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject: Re: lan bandwidth issue
> >Date: Wed, 05 Nov 2003 02:52:47 +0100
> >
> >On Tue, Nov 04, 2003 at 01:13:34PM -0700, silent slim wrote:
> > > This has gotta be a software issue... it seems logically impossible for
> > > it to be otherwise.  I have my windows box running off a nat on my fbsd
> > > box, it transmits to my isp at a max of about 160k down 70k up.
> > > Transfering files between the two boxes can be done at a max of 1.6M 
> >down
> > > and 130k up. Hense its physcially impossible for it to be a hardware
> > > problem.  This is all quite annoying as both boxes are connected by
> > > 
> >http://www.startech.com/ststore/itemdetail.cfm?tab=b&ProductID=ST100S&topbar=topbara.htm
> > > 10/100 nics and a 50' crossover cable.  Anyone have any ideas on what is
> > > causing this issue and how it could possibly be resolved?
> > >
> >
> >Right now I don't have much to go on. What problem do you have?
> >
> >--
> >Alex
> >
> >Articles based on solutions that I use:
> >http://www.kruijff.org/alex/index.php?dir=docs/FreeBSD/
> i'd like the network to go at 100Mbps since both cards could be able too and 
> the current speeds are laughable.

Check the crossover does not have the wires out of phase. You can
sometimes get away with it at 10mb but not at 100mb.
Try another cable or locking the cards down to 10mb to see if that
helps. If it works at 10mb replug your cable.


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