On Thu, 2003-11-06 at 13:18, DanGer wrote:
>  hello,
>  i have a problem with a installation freebsd 4.9-release, with a
>  package named openldap-client-2.1.22, and without this one i cant
>  install KDE 3.1.4. I dont know how to fix it, and no idea why it
>  didnt want to install...how can i fix it?
>  thanks

Hey DanGer:

  This response assumes a couple things in replying. One, that you have
Gnome installed on your box, and two, that you are attempting to install
KDE concurrently. If you notice in the Errata, there is a conflict among
the programs on the install cd requiring different versions of OpenLDAP.
I experienced the same thing. Here's what I did to get them both
working. I give thanks to Marcus in #freebsd-gnome for fixing the

First, I updated my ports tree. cvsup -g -L 2 /dir/to/ports-supfile

Second, I needed to update gnomemeeting since it required the older
version of openldap-client and KDE needed the newer. In doing this, I
found that libxml needed to be updated for gnomemeeting to update. I did
one update of gnomemeeting, and retried KDE ... it didn't work. So then
I decided to update the openldap-client. So, I did this as a whole:
    # portupgrade -ra libxml
    # pkg_deinstall openldap-client
    # installed openldap-client21 from ports
    # portupgrade -f gnomemeeting
    # pkg_add -rv kde 
[I didn't want my box to have to spend three days building it, so I used

Everything worked like a charm.


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