On Fri, Nov 07, 2003 at 04:03:12PM -0600, Peter Elsner wrote:
> Hi list...
> I've been using OpenWebMail with Perl 5.8.0 for some time now.  Recently 
> updated ports
> using port upgrade, and now my Perl version is 5.8.1.
> chuck:root # perl -v
> This is perl, v5.8.1 built for i386-freebsd
> --snip--
> chuck:root #
> After that, OpenWebMail stopped working... I noticed also that my 
> portupgrade updated
> OpenWebMail as well, (it was 2.10 and is now 2.20).  Okay, I thought no 
> problem, I'll
> just do a "make deinstall" and "make reinstall".   But it fails with the 
> following error message
> each and every time...

You need to run

    # use.perl port

again.  What's happening is that your /etc/make.conf file still
contains the PERL_VERSION as 5.8.0, which causes any perl modules to
be installed into a directory outside the usual @INC path.  Plus if
fixes up some other locations where the perl version is referenced.

Running perl -e 'print join( "\n", @INC ), "\n";' should return a list
of directories with the version string 5.8.1 in them:

    % perl -e 'print join( "\n", @INC ), "\n";'



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.                       26 The Paddocks
                                                      Savill Way
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