On Sat, Nov 08, 2003 at 09:41:30PM -0500, Frank Laszlo wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Have you tried telneting to the port?

Telnet uses TCP.  That port is an UDP port.  Telneting to it will not

> - -Frank
> Peter Kok wrote:
> | Hi all
> |
> | I got this port 1658 opening on the server
> |
> |
> | udp4       0      0  *.*                    *.*
> | udp4       0      0  *.1658                 *.*
> | udp4       0      0  *.*                    *.*
> |
> | I checked this internet and this port is for sixnetudr
> |
> | but
> |
> | 1/ I don't know what it is?
> | 2/ I don't know which programming the server is running on this port?
> | 3/ I don't know the server is compromised or not
> |
> | Thank you for your help

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Erik Trulsson
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