> I've set up a machine with two BSD-slices: One that holds the
> BSD-installation and a separate slice holding /usr/home. (The reason
> behind this is, that I want to keep the data on a separate partition
> (i.e. harddisk partition), so when I re-install BSD user-data should
> remain relatively save)
> After installing FreeBSD 4.9 I get a boot prompt showing *two*
> BSD-installations, reachable with "F1" and "F2" respectively. When
> pressing F1 FreeBSD boots normally. When pressing F2 I end up with an
> error message. To my understanding this is because the boot manager
> assumes there's a different FreeBSD installation sitting on the second
> slice.
> Sure enough I only want the the first BSD-slice to appear on the boot
> prompt.
> So my questions are,
> o) where (which file) can I change the boot prompt i.e. prompt "F1"
> pointing to the first BSD-slice and "F2" pointing to the second.
> o) is there a way to change the messages that appear on the boot
> prompt (e.g. instead of "FreeBSD F1" it should display "Beastie F1")

You can't change the prompts without changing/rebuilding/reinstalling
the bootstrap program.  (The source is in /usr/src/sys/boot/i386/boot0.)

You can suppress the listing of specific partitions in the bootstrap
menu.  See the boot0cfg command and its -m option.

Dan Strick
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