Now I have /usr/ports. I go to /www/opera and run make install. I get this:"fetch:
 File unavailable
>>Couldn't fetch it- please try to retrieve this 
>>port manually into /usr/ports/distfies/ and try again". Of course it tries to fetch 
>>that file on other servers(I dont think it metter). I found that file on a ftp 
>>server and downloaded (dont tell me that i didnt use the binary mode, because i use 
>>that mode ). Than i copied the file in /usr/ports/distfiles/ and run that command 
>>again. And now the result: NOTHING, the same error :( OK. Now i found other 2  sites 
>>that hostes this file: and . I changed in the 
>>Makefile the master site into the paths to that file and when i run make install, 
>>when it tries to fetch that file i get the error: local modification time does not 
>>match remote. What did i do wrong??? May be i didnt read the documentation ?? Dont 
>>think ... But may be i am wrong...

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