On Tue, 25 Nov 2003, Roland Giesler wrote:

> Yes, you're right, I mean file systems.  I've only been using FreeBSD for
> bit more than a month, so I'm still getting used to the different
> terminology (being used to MS).
> Could I do this process "live", ie. could I FTP the content for "/usr" to
> another machine, delete the "/usr" filesystem, grow "/" to let's say 1GB,
> recreate "/usr" and copy the data back?  If I understand things correctly,
> then "/usr" holds apps and other stuff, but not the files essential to
> starting and operating FreeBSD.  So I should be follow this course of
> action?

It is not possible since you need to destroy the binaries you need for
restore. But you can boot from the first installation CD, select fixit
mode from sysinstall and insert the second installation CD as a fixit CD.

Since the latter one contains a live filesystem all the binaries you need
are on the CD. You just need to mount the hard disk partitions (look into
your /etc/fstab file) to do the work.

By the way, you asked in a separate mail whether it is possible for a file
system to be 108% full. It is, since there are (by default) 10% of file
system space reserved for (important!) purposes of file system
optimization. Only root's processes are allowed to use this space, and
programs like df or KDE don't include the reserved space in their output
concerning free space. Thus 100% in the output of df are 90% in real.


Konrad Heuer ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  ____            ___  _______
GWDG                           / __/______ ___ / _ )/ __/ _ \
Am Fassberg                   / _// __/ -_) -_) _  |\ \/ // /
37077 Goettingen             /_/ /_/  \__/\__/____/___/____/

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