
I have problems when executing make

Non find port PDFlib-Lite-5.0.0-Unix-src.tar.gz  in the Ports of website,
you have a copy of port.


$ cd /usr/ports/lang/php4-cli
$ pwd
$ make
===>   php4-cli-4.3.2.r4 depends on file: /usr/local/lib/libcrack.a - found
===>   php4-cli-4.3.2.r4 depends on executable: libtool - found
===>   php4-cli-4.3.2.r4 depends on executable: bison - found
===>   php4-cli-4.3.2.r4 depends on shared library: curl.2 - found
===>   php4-cli-4.3.2.r4 depends on shared library: xml2.5 - found
===>   php4-cli-4.3.2.r4 depends on shared library: xslt.1 - found
===>   php4-cli-4.3.2.r4 depends on shared library: freetype.9 - found
===>   php4-cli-4.3.2.r4 depends on shared library: png.5 - found
===>   php4-cli-4.3.2.r4 depends on shared library: jpeg.9 - found
===>   php4-cli-4.3.2.r4 depends on shared library: Xpm.4 - found
===>   php4-cli-4.3.2.r4 depends on shared library: gdbm.3 - found
===>   php4-cli-4.3.2.r4 depends on shared library: intl.4 - found
===>   php4-cli-4.3.2.r4 depends on shared library: gmp.6 - found
===>   php4-cli-4.3.2.r4 depends on shared library: iconv.3 - found
===>   php4-cli-4.3.2.r4 depends on shared library: c-client4.8 - found
===>   php4-cli-4.3.2.r4 depends on shared library: gds.1 - found
===>   php4-cli-4.3.2.r4 depends on shared library: mcal.0 - found
===>   php4-cli-4.3.2.r4 depends on shared library: mcve.3 - found
===>   php4-cli-4.3.2.r4 depends on shared library: mcrypt.8 - found
===>   php4-cli-4.3.2.r4 depends on shared library: mhash.2 - found
===>   php4-cli-4.3.2.r4 depends on shared library: ming.3 - found
===>   php4-cli-4.3.2.r4 depends on shared library: mysqlclient.14 - found
===>   php4-cli-4.3.2.r4 depends on shared library: ldap.2 - found
===>   php4-cli-4.3.2.r4 depends on shared library: pdf.5 - not found
===>    Verifying install for pdf.5 in /usr/ports/print/pdflib
PDFlib-Lite-5.0.0-Unix-src.tar.gz doesn't seem to exist in /usr/ports/distfiles/.
/usr/ports/distfiles is not writable by you; cannot fetch.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/print/pdflib.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/lang/php4-cli.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/lang/php4-cli.

____________________________________________________ Atte. Víctor Gutiérrez Cruz

Si vales, valeo (Antiguo saludo en Latín que significa: Si tu estas bien yo estoy bien)

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