Hey all,

I've got a Compaq Presario laptop with everything working great, except
my wifi card.  I've decided that I've been using 5.1 for a long time on
my desktop without issue, so I want to upgrade my laptop.  I can cvsup
the sources fine, but when I enter into /usr/src and type make world, I
get an error about checking the kernel to see if it's fresh enough and
it dumps the core and exits.  Is anyone else having this problem?  I
have tried doing a cd /usr/src; rm -rf * to delete everything in the
/usr/src directory and rm -rf the /usr/obj directory.  This has always
worked for me in the past.

Any enlightenment would be appreciated, even a point to the correct FM.


Eric F Crist
AdTech Integrated Systems, Inc
(952) 403-9000 

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