I have a Freebsd workstation running 4.9 on an Epox 8k9A2+ MB and the silly thing sees my brand new Western Digital HD as 160gig in the bios, but BSD only sees it as 152gig. Now 8 gig isn't all that bad of a thing to loose on a drive that big, but still, it's too weird that I would be unable to get to that last 8 gig. When going into Fdisk I get the error that the geometry on the drive is wrong and it suggests a much more appropriate, albeit smaller, geometry. Is this something I'm doing wrong in setting up the drive, or is this a limitation or problem in BSD? Or is it simply a limitation of the hardware? I'm not going to cry over 8 gigs lost, but I would really like to know if there's something that can be done to fix this, or am I kinda SOL?

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