> >Why would you want to have the cleartext passwords for all users to be
> >able to migrate? What you could do is start 'vipw' as root on the
> >original server, save that file to disk under a different name, start
> >'vipw' on the new server, and read in the saved file, and save it again.
> >
> >Next you'd have to make sure the groups are in tact. Either copy it
> >(/etc/group), or manually set it to the correct values.
> >
> >That should do the trick.
> >That is, IF your new server is a fresh FBSD install.
> >
> >Sander.
> >
> >
> The problem is I need to put the users in a database (virtual mail users).
> So I need to crypt the passwords with the database crypt function.

The postgres (www.postgresql.org) pgcrypto library (in postgres contrib) has
a crypt function that is compatible with des and md5 passwords.

So import your usernames and passwords as described above and customise your
pop3 daemons configuration (or patch it) to use an sql statement like:

select username from virtualusers where username='USERNAME' and (password =

Postgres is a good choice for these applications (as oppose to mysql), views
come in very handy for produce different calculated fields for each

Hope this helps.


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