-Mark Hillis- (Netway Technical Support) wrote:


I have FreeBSD 4.8 installed on my 400mhz amd with 256mb ram (this is probably useless info)

I was wondering how I install packages like emacs? are they on the CD? can I choose them from the install menu? the reason I ask is because I didn't see it listed in the install options but maybe I over looked it...

IIRC, you'd want to "do post install configure" and then look for packages. But the guy who suggested the ports system really has the best idea, unless you're on a 14.4 modem or something.

<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [/usr/ports] [17:30]
#whereis emacs
emacs: /usr/ports/editors/emacs
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [/usr/ports] [17:30]
#cd /usr/ports/editors/emacs
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [/usr/ports/editors/emacs] [17:30]
#make install clean

If the source tarball is under /usr/ports/distfiles, compilation & installation routines should start immediately; otherwise, the system will attempt to fetch the tarball from the 'Net.

The version under /usr/ports/distfiles must be the same as
the one that /usr/ports/editors/emacs/Makefile calls for.  The
ports system will take care of all dependencies; when finished,
type 'rehash' at the prompt, then emacs, and you should be
good to go.

Installing "portupgrade" (also from ports) will help you stay
on top of new releases of emacs (and other ports) automagically,
as well.

If the ports tree (skeletons, IOW) and the distfiles are all
on your CD's, make 'em available by putting them under
the "distfiles" dir, and build SW to your heart's content!

sorry this is like 20 questions, but also normally when I used freebsd at work I and would be typing a path and I could hit tab and it would finish the path for me or tell me what file names are close/similar but when I hit tab on my FreeBSD box it just tabs spaces... I figured maybe I was using the wrong shell... if so how do I change shells? is this the problem?

Most of the shells have shell completion. IIRC, however, /bin/sh doesn't. What's your prompt look like? (# csh or tcsh, $ sh or bash) What's

#echo $SHELL

say?  You can enter a new shell by simply typing its name,
or use chsh(1) with the -s switch to attempt to change shells.

the reason I figured it was the wrong type of shell... is because del/delete doesn't backspace either, it gives me weird characters like "^something " the delete/del problem might just be that is a rule my admin had set or something but I don't know so I'm not really concerned with that but if it helps to understand what I might be doing wrong then shout it out right?

More likely this is a terminal issue. Termcap(5) might help a bit, as well as Chapter 3.11 in the handbook.

thanks in advance for any help/advice you can give

-Mark Hillis-

HTH, Welcome to FBSD!

Kevin Kinsey

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    • RE: Scott Renna
    • Kevin D. Kinsey, DaleCo, S.P.

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