On Tue, Dec 09, 2003 at 08:38:18PM -0200, Marco A. A. Pereira wrote:
>    Hi. I am a Master Professor at FATEC (Brazil) which is the largest
>    Technology Faculty at Sao Paulo state, similar to your MIT. I am a
>    beginner at FreeBSD world, and Im studying it there are a few months.
>    As a member of a large faculty, and concerned about the kind of
>    software we are using, coasts, licenses, and so on, I?d like to know
>    about your interest in we be accomplishing some kind of educational
>    agreement, with objective of we be diffusing the philosophy of the
>    free software and the effective use of the FreeBSD operating system in
>    our institution. For this, I would like to know if the University of
>    Berkeley offers courses in the period of July and if there is some
>    type of relationship that our institutions could be accomplishing. If
>    you have interest in beginning some kind of negotiation,
>    please contact with me by this e-mail so that we can change larger
>    information and details, ok? I thank you very much for your attention
>    a nd I await your answer more shortly the possible. Respectfully,

Although BSD was originally developed at Berkeley, the FreeBSD Project
does not have any formal ties to the university.  It is a volunteer
project maintained and developed by volunteers around the world.
Given this, I'm not sure whether your original question still has

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