On Tue, Dec 09, 2003 at 04:51:24PM -0500, Payne wrote:
> Thanks, yes FreeBSD rocks!!! I know this is the right place to ask, so 
> if you have the apache group list that would be nice, but what do I have 
> to do to get my users account to work? Are they place for example
> /home/user_x/public_html
> On any web browser I get the following error.
> Forbidden
> You don't have permission to access /~user_x/ on this server.
> On my linux server this is already turn on so I am little lost.

For http://server/~user support you need to load the apache's mod_user 
in your httpd.conf see http://www.apache.org for more info.

The apache user (typically nobody or www-data ) must have read permissions 
on the ~/public_html directory. DirectoryListing is disabled by default so 
if you want to show the directory listing when the index.html is missing 
you'll need to enable it with "options +Indexes"


<Directory /home/*/public_html>
                options Indexes

will enable directory listing for all users homepages.

Staf Wagemakers

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