Hello Ivan,

> As I'm about to create a kind of a WAN in my area, and I'm having a
> specific problem, a friend adviced me to install FreeBsd. Problem is
> that this WAN would be connected to the internet with 1Mbit/s
> connection, and what I want is that connection to the Internet is
> shared to other users so that some of them get maximum of 64Kbit/s,
> some will get 128Kbit/s, and so on. I still want these other
> computers to be on WAN with 10/100 Mbits, so these limitations must be
> made on server. Is my problem solvable with FreeBSD (as my friend told
> me) or not?

Although I don't have too much experience with this matter, it sounds
like the dummynet(4) traffic shaper, that is part of the ipfw(8)
firewall might be what you want.

Since I don't know whether you already have experience with FreeBSD, and
whether it is already installed on your system, here are links to the
html'ized versions of the man pages mentioned:



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