Hello martin,
i added www to smmsp group (smmsp:*:25:www). But still im having the same problem, 
this time i get different error message in log file. 
server sendmail[303]:NOQUEUE:SYSERR(www): can not write to queue directory 
/var/spool/clientmqueue ( RunAsGid = 80), required=25) : Permission denied.
In group file www group has Gid=80 (www:*:80)

Martin Hudec <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

so its drwxrwx--- for smmsp/smmsp

that means that only user smmsp (first rwx) and group smmsp (second rwx) are 
able to get inside. Either edit /etc/groups file and add your webserver user 
(most likely that www user) to that group, or set chmod 775 (to be able to 
browse that directory by other users/groups) or chmod 777 (to be world 
writable) to that directory.

On Monday 15 December 2003 21:48, samy lancher wrote:
> the persmissions on clientmqueue is as follows
> drwxrwx_ _ _ smmsp smmsp clientmqueue
> could you please tell me what changes i need to make. IMPORTANT thing is my
> email server is working fine, i use sendmail MTA and outlook MUA. I am able
> to send emails and view my received emails in outlook through my server.

:. kind regards
:.. Martin Hudec
:.: =w= http://www.aeternal.net
:.: =m= +421.907.303393
:.: "When you want something, all the universe 
:.: conspires in helping you to achieve it."
:.: - The Alchemist (Paulo Coelho)

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