On Sat, 20 Dec 2003 02:59:30 +0000, é åæ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

dear freebsd experts:

i am a new comer totally.

   i have duron 800 computer with 256m sdram, cdrom ,fdd 1.44, usb 1.1
   cdrom read and write, agp vga 600x800,

   8g   seagate medalist 8420 ide hard drive already 3g for dos fat32bit
   and 5g for free bsd which is my young brother taught me.

also i have p3-733 cpu with the same configuration as above.

i have 4.8,4.9 also 5.1 bsd cdrom version.

my question is

-1- which version is the best for new comer ?

I think 4.9 would suit you well at this point.

-2-someone would like to teach me one step by one step ?

-3-how many documents or handbook should i or must i read ?

The Handbook is online and is an excellent step-by-step guide:

<URL: http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/index.html>

After you have read the portions that are relevant to what you want to do, you may wish to ask specific questions on this list.

Good luck! I hope you enjoy FreeBSD.

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